Sunday, November 14, 2010

Our European line — Rome, Vatican City

Rome to human warmth + passion pleasure.

Where the Sun is my favorite of eternal life. Not to mention those familiar with such as the Colosseum, Forum, etc., on both sides of the street, under the shade of ancient ruins can be seen everywhere, like the city, luxurious furnishings, still standing in the street, speechless, enjoy moderate Eastern Mediterranean sunshine in comfort, while carrying on with numerous contacts with the crowd's attention. Hundreds, thousands of years of Roman civilization, thus precipitating in each corner, AWE, not dare without stain. Thinking back to the ancient Romans used to create and own brilliance, but only a few ruins Memorial. Advises hush!

From Rome to Venice by night train, in the vast plains.

From the window, looking deep Navy Blue of the sky, loose some flashing stars, not the distant horizon hanging a curved Golden Crescent. Although the eyebrow, sprinkle the room of the FAI continues unabated, Moon falls on the olive branches and leaves of a small, oval, born on the gleaming silver light. This time the sea god Poseidon East and cars like most people, have caught sleeping 昏昏. Apennine peninsula a inscrutable.

The Vatican basilica, this used to be the center of the Earth.

Here never belong to any country, now. Here is the history of the Catholic King of territories and residence. This is a splendid, magnificent marble architectural complex. All the beautiful sunset. Facing the Cathedral, the left front of the square (three football field size), there is a towering monument to-like surface of flat, the top frame of building a pan-a bronze crucifix; on the ground in the middle segment, some sculptures, then some text under the place seems to have forgotten too. The left and right side of the square is milky, tall, two of them folded over the marble column into the corridor, (opposite the Church front porch has a higher and more thick marble columns. ) And the Cathedral of subject touches, assumes the "au", walk in it can shelter. In the corridor and the cathedral stands on the top, glittering with the same material and color engraving, vivid three-dimensional sculptures of mythological figures. I stood on the concave between the square look around, and together they bathe in the Eastern Mediterranean moderate but slightly damp white sunlight.

When entering the Cathedral, the marble floor, people have been in heaven.

From the 100-metre-high glass dome, direct the next bright light. It isn't heaven's light? no one on this question, I think. In the lobby around one week, I came to a huge character statue, looked up, the town was there. People stood just and his feet. My hands on it felt, despite the cold, stiffly, but at this point in my heart, but it has given him eternal life. Because he wore the red with the subtle Chu was also mixed with a little soil yellow robe. Masters make full use of marble, natural texture and color effects, taffeta rich luster, smooth, thin, delicate texture embodiment of perfect weather, particularly that portion folds. I think at this point all language expression are dimmed pale, weak, you are required to have witnessed, I can understand the frustration of the moment. The Church's basement, is placed in the tomb of the Bishop of marble coffin, (lobby also placed several marble coffin Tomb, I think should be the identity rather exceptional people. In addition I European cathedral see coffin tomb is all marble products, recall's earliest a coffin tomb seemed to eighteenth-century 70s) I looked at the icy boulders, thought, there is a kind of landscape?

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