Tuscany sightseeing
Because THE MALL wasting too much time, I can only cancel the concept to the Tower of Pisa, shopping in addition a PRADA suburb sale field, not be considered.
The final itinerary as, Tuscany landscape day Eastern Mediterranean fishing village style day, the last day in the Buddhist City tourist and shopping, night ride Eurostar to Venice.The third day, early in the morning, or to the SITA bus station, bought to Siena's bus.
Going to San Gimignano's bus, is on sale in Siena, the last direct back to Buddha city bus, is bought in Siena. Italy travel very convenient train cars is a day for several classes, missed a class, you can wait for the hour, sit down one side. But the train car line is parallel, you can choose according to the price of time.Siena is the Buddha, ancient capital of Tuscany.
Paint pigments ' SIENNA (Siena), ' color (strong yellow) is the color of this town. It is conceivable that a vehicle, we are the thick yellow.The city is very small, random walk to sightseeing.
First came the famous Piazza del Campo. It is said that this is Italy's most beautiful square. However, I did not understand the definition. When it was getting a bit gray, with a ring around the yellow, thick felt apart, of not quite a bit of a gloomy old town feel. Go home after Baidu, saw a piece taken from an airplane, who oversees figure just understand the meaning of beauty. Figure, the Sun is shining, the entire square around the Tower, shaped distribution, the entire picture, are thick yellow tones, really impressive.Siena's places of interest are around the Campo square, we take the time to visit the Cathedral DUOMO, it is gorgeous.
On top, it's a show in front of the city, the distance is a typical Tuscan scenery, lush is a large vineyard.Two in the afternoon, on the bus to get to San Gimignano.
We sat is a direct train and no need to go, so I had to sleep comfortably. Not to think, there are two basic laojie, have no matter what, and so the car stopped, I came back from Suzhou, only to find that a strange place. Ask the driver, Basic does English, means a direction, I saw, a road, don't see anything.Get off at the station, is a suburban Villa, House beautiful, there are several children at play.
I took the book, tame, ask them how to walk. A fat junior high school, very warm, although not English, but I came across a licensed stations, even the gesture with the pointing, I see, wait for an hour. Repeatedly thanked him, my classmates sat down to watch the scenery.At this time, we must start now.
This side of the dark night, the Sun is still very good. Unexpectedly, we still have time to enjoy the charm of the countryside of Tuscany. The distant mountains, lining fittingly white clouds, pretty much. Black hair of local children, sat on the ground, was having a good time. The journey of a small accident at least gave me a different surprise.An hour later, the car came and went, I repeatedly asked, not afraid to be wrong.
Italy's English is not very good, but are extremely enthusiastic, as long as the road name to them, the Basic can clear direction. In fact, we have been sitting on more stations, soon to the Holy City.San Gimignano, author of ' beautiful Tower City ', place a smaller, however the taste of the middle ages.
Because time is relatively late, we'll just random walk, go to the wells square and surrounded by seven Tower of the Cathedral square. Convenient to buy a bottle of the local specialties-Golden hot mouth white wine, 5 euro. Back in the refrigerator ice, very tasty, the degree is also very simple.Enjoy shopping for friends, note, these two small town, things that can in cheap bifo purchase points.
(Ancient-Siena Tuscany)
(The typical Tuscan landscape of Siena)
(San Gimignano)
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